Extend cables easily with our extension cables for TNC plug to TNC jack.
The assemblies are deliverable in lenghts of 0,5m, 1 m, 1,5m, 2 m, 2,5m, 3 m, 5 m, 7m, 10m, 12m, 15m, 20m, and many more.
TNC plug - TNC jack, extension cable
You can not decide which cable is best suitable for your application?
Do you want to compare two coaxial cables?
Here you see at a glance the properties of the individual coaxial cables.
The length of a extension cable
is not simple to determine, because a lot of factors are decisive.
The input variable and the maximum frequency to be transmitted have to be considered. How well a signal is transmitted, is specified via the attenuation. As orientation guide, we indicated the attenuation of the coaxial cable at a signal of 1GHz.
Simply put: The lower this value, the higher the output of the line.
More information on attenuation here:
For applications where high signals are of great importance, we provide you with the so-called Low-Loss cable.